
Monday 21 December 2009

J's birthday

Yesterday J was 7. Yesterday I gave thanks for the pleasure and good fortune I have in being able to hold and cuddle my darling boy as I know other parents do not have that same luxury. And yesterday we had the second birthday cake in a week following the first at J's party held on 12th December.

Going back 7 years I think of the day J arrived, following a night of contractions (but little progress) and a full moon so bright I could actually read by the light which was cast through the skylight of the room.   I was in hospital and labour was being induced because two weeks after his due date J was showing no signs of making an imminent appearance into the world. Prostin gel was given and then some hours later a second dose and....... nothing - no contractions. The third dose DID stimulate contractions but they were sporadic and variable in strength. The fact that they occurred every 4 mins overnight was a drag but a necessary evil for the onset of labour. I did everything I had learned and taught other parents, I stood, I rocked, I bathed, I knelt on all fours to no avail. Nothing relieved pain or made the discomfort any easier to bear. Then at 4.00am everything just stopped and I drifted into sleep. At 9am the doctor appeared to see how far I had progressed...... I hadn't progressed at all.

At 3.30pm I went to labour ward and at 16.06 J was born by caesarean section weighing in at 9lb 6oz. The baby I had wanted and waited so long for had arrived and was so handsome.  J was my amazing Christmas gift for 2002 and a wonderful birthday present for his Nana who had been born on the same date 67 winters previously.  My great big healthy baby boy was so welcomed by many people ..... and right from the start he enjoyed a cuddle with his Mum. Seven years following that first cuddle we had the following conversation:

J.  "Mum, I can do anything I want on my birthday can't I"
Me. "Within reason J yes you can".
J: "Oh good - can I sleep in your bed tonight".
Me: "Okay then".

So last night I cuddled J and remembered that first precious cuddle in the hospital. But now J hugs me back and says "I love you my beautiful Mum" and last night I had the sheer pleasure of watching my beautiful boy as he drifted off to sleep next to me  - my cup, as they say runneth over.

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